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Premium features
- Multi side tickets creation
- Pick&Pack function
- Custom roles may manage templates
- Template management closed selection groups
- Integration with the app ‘select an address’.
1. Multi side tickets creation
In the premium version of the app, you can create several direct tickets in the direct ticket menu. To do this, you need to choose multiple requesters OR multiple assignees in the form.
After pressing the “Next” button, you will see a new menu with every ticket which will be created in the result. You can change the subject, assignee or requester of each of the tickets. Press “Create as …” to create these tickets.
2. Pick&Pack function
With this feature, you can add a new comment to an existing ticket by transferring comments from main and side tickets to the current one. This way you can pack a new message to the customer with the answers from other side tickets. To access this feature, press the corresponding button in the ticket sidebar.
The interface of the pick and pack feature is pretty much the same as in the direct ticket menu. You can choose the ticket to display its comments for copying and forwarding.
3. Custom roles may manage templates
In the admin settings page of the app, you can add IDs of the user roles which will have an access to template management page.
4. Template management closed selection groups
You can define a selection group of assignees and requesters in the template management page for agents to choose from in the direct ticket menu.
In the direct ticket menu, agents will be able to choose requester or assignee from defined selections or press more to access all requesters and assignees.
5. Integration with the app ‘select an address’.
You can integrate side tickets with “Select an address” app for showing sender options from this app or use default sender options if defined. All you need to do is to add the installation id of the select and address app in the corresponding setting in the select an address app. As soon as id is added, you will find the corresponding options for sender email in the direct ticket menu in the field “Sender”. The options displayed in the field will be filtered for the current user’s group.
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